Be Inspired

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BeInspired Inspired - Update

Posted on 22nd December, 2023

It's been some time since the last update. Life speeds along in a blink of an eye. I'd lost touch with my fellow traveller until yesterday when I discovered to my delight, they had succeeded in their quest to achieve a Masters degree against the odds. A testament of the old adage, where there is a will, there is a way. Well done fellow traveller, continue to shine!

Beinspired inspired

Posted on 13th August, 2022

Some good news happened recently.


A fellow traveller I had met, by chance, over a year ago was inspired from our chats. Let's just say a realisation that life is how you want to live it, you are in control if you take ownership. 

You can moan and groan about how you're struck in this or that situation but are you really? It's that self limiting trait that many possess. However, you have a choice to stay or leave the situation. 

For this individual, it was time take stock. What makes you happy? What are things that makes you beam, inside and out. You hear the phrase "Fake it until you make it" but what if faking it is no longer worth your efforts? It's time to check out of Heartbreak Hotel. But you say, "What if I don't want to totally check out? I like some parts of the situation. Well, this is where you step out of your comfort zone and discover the opportunities within the situation. Only you really know what you want and best for you. 

Remember, your thoughts and attitudes are what make or break you. Change your outlook and you can change your present and future. 

My fellow traveller had taken control and I could see happiness poured out from within. It was a joy to see with my own eyes. 

Continue to take control my friend. Be happy. Be inspired!

Work-Life Balance

Posted on 25th September, 2021

The phrase itself poses a conflict. It conjures up a pair of scales. More work would equate less life. Conversely, more life would equate less work. You pour your energies into your work, to forge a career but for what? To climb higher on the career ladder? To earn more money? And what? Does it bring you more joy in your personal life? No, by constantly putting in more hours into work, you neglect your family, your kids or those who are close to you. We should cultivate our home life as much as our work life. If you have a good home life, your work life will prosper. 


Think about it, you have a bad day at work. You take your frustrations out on your family. You blow up at the slightest issue and cause a fight. Did you mean to hurt your loved ones? Of course not but over time, things will stack up. Either you have the love and support from them or they have had enough of your tantrums and leave you for dust.


Do yourself a favour. Decide what it is you want for you? Work is just there to provide you money to live, to buy you the comforts you crave, for your sacrifice of time. What is the point of having money when you have nobody to enjoy with?


Work on achieving a work-life compliment. Look for balance and you will find peace in both...

The power of gratitude

Posted on 21st September, 2021

I often see people take what they have for granted. They focus on what they seemingly lack. 


For example, a loving wife passes over a fresh, hot cup of tea to the husband only for him to bark back, not a "thank you" but "where's the rest of it?". A simple gesture of love and consideration turned into a scolding episode. Why do people do that. Just be thankful she cared, I will say.


Be thankful of what you have and forget what you don't!

A new journey began

Posted on 21st September, 2021

A new chapter began a mere four months ago for me. I met it with an open mind, knowing that there were new opportunities afoot. Of course, there were reservations of what had passed before but a change of environment could change my whole outlook on life. I was right! I took the leap of faith, trusted my instincts and landed in safely on my feet.